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Great Beer Sites
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Great Beer Sites
We don't do what these sites do, we tell stories of visiting great beer places.
The following are sites we recommend, and like, but do not guarantee in any manner.

Beer Reading  
Great set of links, especially to micro-breweries. Michael Jackson content, so that tells you something.
Two parts Anheiser, one part Maxim Magazine. Jokes, ads, and no shortage of places to fill in your name. Sort of an on-line Beer Mag
News and anecdote from one Stephen Beaumont
THE authority on beer, Michael Jackson's site.
Humorous site following and photographing the world travels of a white painted can. Accepts user submissions from around the world.
What scientist should have been up to all these years. A cow that gives not milk, but the more valuable beer.
For the home-brewer, a fantastic grain mill vendor. Higher quality, handcrafted mills, built to exacting specifications.
A guy who goes on killer road trips with his guy friends and writes a good story about their adventures.
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