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November 2001 - Florida

This is currently not a full review, but an explanation of a pending BeerJourney. Please stay tuned for updates. Join the mailing list to be made aware when we add content.

[click thumbnails for full-size images, or you may see the entire photo gallery by clicking here]

The California contingent of our little group decided he wanted to try to see a shuttle launch thus the planned trip to Florida at the end of November.

Since we are based in Kennesaw/Canton, GA and Los Gatos, CA as do most east coast trips this one will again begin in Atlanta. The map is of the proposed route. We have identified 46 prospective brewpubs along the way. NO we can’t hit them all. But check back and we will post information on the pubs we do get to on our 10-day trip.

By the way, we grew up in Sarasota, Florida and there will be a stop there as well, just not an overnighter. Not enough pubs there.

Do you know of any must-see establishments in the areas we plan to visit? Let us know and we will try to make it the places you recommend.

[ Map Page ]

Pictures Date City

Jacksonville Beach, FL


Cocoa Beach, FL

Shuttle Launch



Bal Harbor, FL


Key West, FL
  12-03-01 Naples, FL
  12-04-01 Treasure Island, FL
  12-05-01 Gainesville, FL

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